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The All-in-One Template Solution for Jira Cloud

Optimize team productivity in Jira Cloud with custom templates that simplify the creation of common used projects and issues.
It's easy
We believe in a good usability. That's why your users can create and use templates in minutes. No syntax or magic needed! Don't believe us? Convince yourself!
It's pretty
Working with Jira should be fun. Especially when it comes to processes and workflows. for Jira Cloud supports you with a beautiful User Interface.
It's safe
Templating.App for Jira Cloud is based on Atlassian Forge. This includes the highest available security standard for Third-Party apps within the Atlassian Ecosystem. 

Why customer choose

Key Features

Project Templates

Administrators take the lead by crafting custom templates perfectly tailored for company-managed projects. Empower your team with the tools they need to succeed, ensuring smooth workflows, organized tasks, and optimized resources. 

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Issue Templates


Create templates for complete issue hierarchies including epics, tasks, user stories and all of your other issue types. This helps you to standardise your processes for different kind of  use cases e.g. employee onboarding, event planning, product launches and many more. 

Subtask Templates

Subtask Templates enables you to create a set of child issues within an already existing issue. Choose a custom template from the dropdown, customise if needed and in a few seconds you are ready to go. This helps you to improve your workflows with a high flexibility.  



Migrate from other apps

You can import existing issues to your templates. This makes it easy to migrate from other templating apps or if you've worked with clon

Dynamic Variables

Insert variables to gather dynamic information each time a user applies an Issue Template, e.g. name of employee, due date and many more.

Custom Field support for Jira Cloud already supports a bunch of custom field types. Wether you are using a company or team-managed project.


Ready to improve your teams' workflow?
We'd love to get in touch! 

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65185 Wiesbaden

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